Sunrise Sales Incentive

Introducing the Sunrise Stables Sales Incentive Program

Now it truly PAYS to


Sunrise Sales Incentive

Sunrise Stables LLC is pleased to break new ground in the Morgan show horse sales industry by introducing our new SUNRISE SALES INCENTIVE, a program designed to encourage more sales for our clients, and more rewards for our buyers.

Read all about our 2024 Sunrise Incentive Winners!
  1. The Sunrise Sales Incentive program runs annually from October 1st through the last day of the following year’s Morgan Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show.
  2. Any buyers/agents of any horse purchased through Sunrise Stables LLC during that time period is eligible for the rewards.
  3. One cash award will be paid to the owner and one to the buying agent per incentive period, should they qualify, with the award being based on the highest title achieved by the horse at that Morgan Grand National & World Championship Show.
  4. World Champion title earners will receive $2,500 ($2,000 to owner, $500 to trainer). Reserve World Champion title earners will receive $1,750 ($1,500 to owner, $250 to trainer). Grand National Champion title earners will receive $1,000 ($900 to owner, $100 to trainer). If a horse earns more than one title, the single cash award will be based on the highest title.
  5. For promotional purposes, Sunrise Stables LLC requests a high resolution, copyright released photo of your Sunrise Alumni provided to us no later than October 20th following the Grand National Show.

So what are you waiting for? Pop over to our SALES PAGE and start shopping!


Ask Andrew!

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